Sunday, January 14, 2007

The aWAKE Project

I'm reading a book right now about AIDS in Africa called The aWAKE Project (aWAKE stands for AIDS: Working toward Awareness, Knowledge, and Engagement) - I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested. It's a collection of short writings from a number of sources.

Of many meaningful quotes, I think these are worth posting:
"From outside Africa it's difficult to see the trees for the forest. The raging fire looks too widespread to quench. The key is to look beyond the forest to the individual trees. If one person at a time is educated or cared for, an entire continent can be saved."
-Recah Theodosion

"I am guilty of living well, and in comfort, and hiding within the shadows of our majestic American steeples. I would hope we could walk out of our comfort, once in a while, to feel the heat of truth on our faces."
-Kevin Max

"No child should die alone without knowing that he or she is loved."
-Tony Campolo

1 comment:

Educational Adventures - Project Travel said...

those are some powerful quotes. Did I mention that I love you?